The Cornerstone: A Life Built on Christ

by | Dec 11, 2024 | Topical

Have you ever paused to consider what holds your life together? What gives your life meaning, stability, and purpose? Everyone, whether they realize it or not, focuses on one thing as the foundation of their lives. This singular aspect becomes the foundation for the rest of their choices and receives priority over all other aspects of life.

The cornerstone of a building is a powerful metaphor for this foundational aspect of life. When constructing a stone building, we call the first stone placed “the cornerstone.” It is the true foundation of the structure, and the rest of the stones are placed relative to it. Not only does the cornerstone designate a new beginning of construction, but it also acts as the stone on which the structure’s integrity depends. The cornerstone must be placed carefully and perfectly aligned because every wall and corner is placed and built relative to it. If the cornerstone is misplaced, the rest of the building will be too.

Like the cornerstone on which a physical building is built, our lives must also have a cornerstone with which we structure the rest of our lives. Sometimes people choose a career, sometimes a child, sometimes fame or some other achievement, but everyone will choose something as their focal point.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is meant to be the cornerstone of both our personal lives and the church. Both Peter and Paul affirm this truth. Peter says in 1 Peter 2:6,

Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

And Paul similarly informs us that the prophets were preparing for Christ when he says,

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone
Ephesians 2:20

Throughout all of Scripture, Christ is portrayed as the indispensable, perfectly aligned cornerstone that ensures everything remains steadfast and true.

When Jesus died for our sins, He started a new thing. He laid down a foundation and began building His church: A group of chosen people purchased for his purpose. Jesus is not merely a part of the church; He is the cornerstone, the starting point, the aligning factor, the foundation on which every believer must build their life.

A cornerstone provides alignment and stability; without the cornerstone, everything in life begins to fail. To reject Christ as the cornerstone is to reject security and stability. The world will tell us that making Christ the focus of our lives is wasting our true potential, but what the world discards as insignificant, God calls essential. Jesus is the firm foundation for those who trust Him but a stumbling block to those who reject Him.

The cornerstone is not just a foundation we lay and forget about. It should be an active part of our lives, shaping us into the spiritual building we are meant to be. As we submit to Christ, He aligns our thoughts, actions, and priorities with His perfect will. The church, as a group of believers, is supposed to unite to build up Christ’s spiritual building. The Apostle Peter speaks of this truth when he calls believers “living stones, built up a spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5). However, if we do not align properly with the cornerstone in our personal life, the church as a whole loses its strength. To properly support ourselves and other believers requires us to anchor every decision, every value, and every goal in the truth of God’s Word.

To align ourselves with the true Cornerstone, we must prioritize our relationship with Jesus in tangible ways: First, we should seek Christ daily. Try to begin and end each day with prayer and reflection on Christ. Think about His Word, His promises, and truths, and remember, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13) Because Christ alone is our source of strength.

Second, we should build our lives with purpose. Just as a cornerstone demands precision, we are called to make intentional choices that reflect Christ’s character. In our relationships, jobs, and interactions, we can strive to embody the love, grace, and truth of Jesus.

Lastly, we should trust His alignment. When decisions or difficulties seem overwhelming, lean into the security of His wisdom.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths
Proverbs 3:5-6

When the storms of doubt, fear, and hardship come (and they will), if Christ is our cornerstone, we are assured support. Jesus Himself assures us,

Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock
Matthew 7:24

The rains may descend, the floods may come, and the winds may blow, but the house with a foundation on the rock will remain.

Imagine a builder who dismisses the cornerstone’s importance, attempting to place walls and roofs without alignment. Such a house is doomed to collapse under its instability. But the one who relies on Christ finds strength to stand, even in the middle of storms. The cornerstone’s role is not just aesthetic; it is foundational. It carries weight and brings stability.

So, let Christ be your cornerstone. Allow His truth to shape your perspective, His love to shape your actions, and His grace to sustain your spirit. By making Him our cornerstone, we ensure that every area of our lives aligns with eternal truth. The promise of building on Christ is this: you will not be defeated. The storms may rage, but the house built on the cornerstone stands firm. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11)

Trust Christ. Let Him be the solid foundation on which you rest your faith and your future. In Christ alone, we find our rightful place.

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